Assessment and Accountability Monthly Call

Presentation on theme: "Assessment and Accountability Monthly Call"— Presentation transcript:

1 Assessment and Accountability Monthly Call
August 2018

2 Agenda Month-by-Month Checklist Accountability
Assessment Administration Assessment Updates Support and Communication

3 Month-by-Month Checklist
The 2018–2019 Assessment and Accountability Month-by-Month Checklist identifies key dates and deadlines for statewide assessment programs and accountability processes for next school year; provides action steps to ensure readiness for administering statewide assessments; and recommends resources for district and school staff. The checklist includes information on the following areas: Communication and Support Accessibility and Accommodations Assessment Preparation and Administration Accountability Reports NEW: The Assessment Month-by-Month Checklist is located in the Assessment Library.

4 August Assessment and Accountability Checklist

5 August Assessment and Accountability Checklist

6 August Assessment and Accountability Checklist

7 September Assessment and Accountability Checklist

8 September Assessment and Accountability Checklist

10 2017-2018 Reporting: Communicating Assessment Results
Student Reports School System-Level Results Public Release ELPT May 15 in AIR Portal May in AIR Portal N/A LAA 1/LEAP Connect May 15 in eDIRECT May in eDIRECT LEAP 2025 (3-8, HS) Grade 3-8: By June 30 in eDIRECT HS: 5-level ELA and math at end of testing window By June 30 in eDIRECT July 10 EOC (Eng III, Bio, US History) HS 4-level all subjects: In window summer in eDIRECT CLEP ongoing Spring in FTP Week of Aug 6 Advanced Placement summer, sent to schools August in FTP LEAP 2025 US History Summer in eDIRECT post August BESE eDIRECT ACT spring, state administered student and school results from ACT sent to schools iCD and district profile from ACT in fall; additional reporting in FTP Fall

11 2018 School Performance Release Timeline
Key Milestones Date teacher-level VAM results (CIS); final student progress index results (Louisiana Data Review); high school student growth to Mastery targets (Louisiana Data Review) Mid-August ACT Highest Score/WorkKeys; Dropout/Credit Accumulation Index (DCAI); Assessment Data Certification: LEAP 2025,EOC, LAA 1/LEAP Connect, ELPT data certification in LA Data Review August School system leaders preview updates to School Finder at Supervisor Collaborations and resources to communicate results with families and community leaders September 10, 13, 17, and 18 Department hosts calls with Lead Agencies and Superintendents to preview performance data Prior to release in late fall 2018 report cards and early childhood performance profiles released in School Finder Late fall Principals provided support in understanding and communicating SPS results, new progress index, and use of Principal Profiles at Principal Collaborations November 8, 13, 14, 15 Release of Superintendent and Principal secure portal, schools and systems use data to guide academic planning Early winter Schools and centers hold parent nights to discuss performance results Early Winter

12 August Data Certification
Each year, the Department provides an opportunity for schools and systems to review the data used in school performance scores. During the week of August 6th, the review period will begin for the following indices using the La Data Review online system that has been used in past years. ACT/WorkKeys Dropout/Credit Accumulation Index (DCAI) Assessment The final results of the progress points index will be posted as a downloadable file. Accountability contacts will receive s with secure login information and resources to assist with the process. A detailed PowerPoint will be provided with instructions on how to access the system and manage data certification. It is very important that the Department have the most current contact information for accountability staff. Please submit the Accountability Contact Information Form to to report any changes.

13 2017-2018 Accountability Release: Progress Results
K8 and High School Progress Index Rosters will be released in mid-August as downloadable Excel files in the Louisiana Data Review online system. The files will provide the number of points awarded to schools for all students who are eligible for inclusion in the progress index in The index for K8 is averaged across two years. Points from were released in the secure portal. The index for high school will include only points from the current year. Beginning in , the high school index will also include points from two years. To be included in the progress index, students must: Have a prior and current year score from LEAP 2025 grades 3-8 and high school (4-level EOC scores and LEAP Connect/LAA I scores are not used) Meet the full academic year requirement Have a normal grade progression Be eligible for Step 1 (growth to mastery) and Step 2 (VAM)

14 English Language Proficiency Progress in 2018-2019 School Performance Scores
As required under ESSA, Louisiana will include a measure of progress to English language proficiency for English learners in the accountability formula. Every EL’s improvement in English language proficiency will count in equal weight to all other assessments in the Assessment Index. Over the last five months, the Department has engaged a work group made up of experts in EL instruction and educators from the schools and school systems serving a majority of the state’s EL students. Based on the recommendations of this work group, the Department will propose a specific methodology for measuring and rewarding ELP progress within the Assessment Index for BESE consideration in October. For each ELPT tester, the recommended progress measure will consider: Is the student on a trajectory to exit EL status within the expected time frame (based on his/her initial grade and proficiency)? Did the student demonstrate improvement in English proficiency from the previous school year? Because the state transitioned to a new ELP assessment in , the Department will recommend that is a learning year, with ELP progress included in report cards for the first time in

15 2018 School Performance Score Resources: For Teachers
Audience Resources Release Timeline Teachers Using Measures of Student Progress to Strengthen Practice and Increase Learning Deliberately Addressing Student Growth to Mastery Mastery or Growth Additional guidance for teachers on how to use student growth data to make adjustments to instruction (coming this fall) Teacher Leader Summit Teacher Leader newsletter Training at the September Teacher Leader Collaborations

16 2018 School Performance Score Resources: For School and System Leaders
Audience Resources Release Timeline School System Leaders, Lead Agencies and Principals Accountability Policy Update: guidance on accountability updates Early Childhood performance updates and improvement strategies: Summit Sessions E008, E009, E010, E017, E019, E021, E023, E024, E040, E046, E056, E057, E068, E017 Communications Toolkit (coming this fall) Customizable presentation for communicating this year’s district and school performance scores, and Comprehensive and Targeted Intervention designations Social media and website graphics celebrating school growth and Top Gains schools Louisiana Accountability System info card for families Media Support Guide with sample news releases and talking points for reporters Animated videos explaining school performance scores, including the new “Student Progress” Index Louisiana School Finder flyer: info on how to access School Finder and should be sent home with the printed report card Superintendent and Principal Secure Portal FAQ (coming this fall) School Performance Score Calculator Teacher Leader Summit September and October school system planning calls LDOE weekly newsletter Training at the September and November Collaborations

17 Principal and Superintendent Secure Reporting Portal
The Principal and Superintendent Secure Reporting Portal is an interactive data exploration tool that provides school and school system leaders with access to important information about school systems, schools, teachers, and student performance. To reflect staff changes for the school year, updates are required to the site. Because of privacy laws, teacher level VAM results have been temporarily removed from the site. The results will be added back in early September and will reflect results for teachers currently working in each school and school system. Principal and Superintendents can verify their access to the secure reporting site by visiting CVR. with questions.

18 Secure Portal User Request Form
For new Principals and Superintendents who need access to the Principal and Superintendent Secure Reporting Portal, a user request form has been placed on the DM FTP in the Secure Portal Update folder. File Name: Secure Portal User Request Form Data management FTP coordinators should retrieve the file and provide to superintendents for updating. Once the updates have been completed, the file should be renamed using the naming guidelines below and uploaded in the same location as the original: File Name: (LEACode)_(LEA Name)_Secure Portal User Request Form_Completed EXAMPLE: 001_Acadia_Secure Portal User Request Form_Completed Superintendents will also need to send an to confirming the user requests and providing his/her consent to the Department to grant access to those users.

19 Accountability Resources
Accountability Library: website with important resources for accountability contacts such as data certification support and webinars SPS Calculator: provided in the accountability library to help schools and systems estimate their school performance scores Grades 4 to 8 Progress Index FAQ: updated to provide details related to student growth targets and the data used to determine them 2018 Accountability Updates PowerPoint: provides policy and process for calculating school performance scores links to School Finder, which provides data for all schools in Louisiana

20 Assessment Administration

22 Online Tools Training The Online Tools Training (OTT) should be utilized in order to become familiar with the online testing tools (e.g., highlighter, magnification, etc.) used for the operational test. Additionally the OTT: may be reviewed as many times as desired; is not to be considered representative of an actual test; and is available once INSIGHT is installed or by link using Google Chrome browser.

23 TSM Version 9 and TSM Central Office
For the school year, districts and schools can still use the Version 9.2 TSM. Any district wishing to pilot the new Central Office TSM should Benefits of Central Office: It provides easy monitoring of your TSM devices and testing devices. It opens directly from eDIRECT allowing you to easily access other functions. It simplifies the process of testing with more than one DRC testing program. The full list of benefits on Central Office can be found here.

24 Training Accounts Each LEA has a Sample School (777) in eDIRECT to use for training purposes only. This is located under the Diagnostic/Interim administration. Ten sample students have been added to each 777 site and should be used to practice creating test sessions.

25 Technology Resources Assessment Technology Specifications 2018-2019
Device Toolkit Menu Directions eDIRECT Refresher LEAP 2025 Technology Enhanced Item Types Online Scheduling Guidance Statewide Assessments FAQ about Technology Technical Assistance for ELPT Assessments Technical Assistance for LEAP 2025 and LEAP Connect Assessments Technical Troubleshooting Tips eDIRECT User Guide Technology User Guide

27 Test Security Audits In order for LEAs to be in compliance with Bulletin 118, LEAs must develop a test security policy. All LEAs should have their test security plans accessible and available at all times. For 2018–2019, the Department will only require the following types of LEAs to submit a test security policy: New LEAs participating in statewide assessments LEAs that experienced a break of one or more years in participation in statewide assessments LEAs involved in the monitoring/audit process LEAs that voluntarily submit a test security policy All submitted policies will be reviewed using the checklist available here. The Department will review test security policies and provide feedback. August 31, 2018 is the deadline to submit test security policies to

28 eDIRECT Security Agreement
Beginning on July 17, 2018 all eDIRECT users were required to accept the annual Security and Confidentiality agreement upon login.

29 Nonsummative Test Security
Non Summative Test Security Reminders All LEAP 360 system components are considered copyrighted materials and therefore belong to the originator and shall not be considered LEA property. All applicable copyright laws shall be enforced and adhered to under the terms of this agreement. The content may NOT be used or published in part or in whole outside of the prescribed purposes set forth by the Louisiana Department of Education (LDOE). Assessment items and passages can only be used in the assessment delivery platform operated by DRC. Accommodated Materials Reminder Secure documents must be kept in a locked, secure area before and after testing. It must be returned immediately to the School Test Coordinator after the scheduled testing has ended for the day. When testing is completed, the School Test Coordinator must return the materials to the District Test Coordinator.

30 Caveon Test Security Services
In order to help districts and schools improve test security, the LDOE has negotiated an agreement with Caveon, the nation’s leading test security experts, to provide the following services: Monitoring Provides two Caveon monitors on campus on one day of testing Provides districts with accurate information of every testing room at the school Investigations Provides districts with professional investigators to investigate and report on any testing irregularity that occurred in the district Training Provides districts with active online training modules created by Caveon A full explanation of the services and the fee schedules can be found here. Districts and schools can purchase these services by contacting Caveon directly.

31 Test Security Resources
Caveon Test Security Services Investigation Template Online Test Security DTC Training Online Test Security DTC Training for TA and STC Paper Test Security DTC Training Paper Test Security Training for STC and TA Permission To Test in Alternate Enviornment Security Plan Checklist Test Monitor Note Taking Guide Testing Irregularity Form

32 KEA and K–3 Assessments

33 KEA and K-3 Literacy Assessments
Public schools must administer a kindergarten-readiness screener and a K-3 Literacy screener within the first 30 days of school. A KEA must be given to all first-time kindergarten students. Two KEA assessment options are approved: DRDP and TS Gold. A K-3 Literacy screener must be administered to all kindergarten, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grade students. Three assessment options are approved: DIBELS Next, STEEP, and STEP. Data Managers should connect with their Assessment team to determine how the data will be entered in their local systems. Once entered, data managers will submit KEA and K-3 Literacy screener results with the SIS October 1 MFP Collection. The Guidance on the Kindergarten Entry Assessment and K-3 Literacy Screening Assessment can be found here.

34 KEA and K-3 Literacy Assessments
Grade Band Available Assessments Key Skills Measured Resources Testing Window Reporting K-Readiness (First-time Kindergarten children) DRDP Gold Language/Literacy Math Social-Emotional Approaches to Learning Physical KEA FAQs First 30 days of school Submit with SIS October 1 MFP Collection K-3 Literacy Screening (All children) DIBELS Next STEEP STEP First Sound Fluency (K) Work Fluency (1st)* Oral Reading Fluency (2nd) Comprehension (3rd**) *Nonsense Words for DIBELS and STEEP **DIBELS Daze for 3rd grade Guidelines for Students with Special Needs Score Guidelines

35 K-3 Resources DRDP-K GOLD Guidance
KEA and K-3 Literacy Screening Guidance Kindergarten-Grade 3 Assessments Fact Sheet PreK-Grade 3 Guidebook for Site and System Leaders PreK-2 Instructional Support

37 LEAP 2025 Overview The Louisiana Education Assessment Program (LEAP) 2025 assesses standards in grades 3 through high school in ELA, math, science, and social studies. All students except those qualifying for the LEAP Connect must be tested regardless of enrollment date. The following students must participate in the test administration: all public school students, including students in charter and lab schools students enrolled in nonpublic schools through the scholarship program students enrolled in tuition donation rebate programs are required to take LEAP 2025 Mathematics and English Language Arts (ELA) tests LEAP 2025 testing must be administered as scheduled by the LDOE and BESE. The Assessment Calendar is located in the Assessment Library.

38 High School Assessments
Students entering high school prior to the 2017–2018 school year must pass one assessment in each of the following categories to meet the assessment requirement toward earning a standard high school diploma: (a) Algebra I or Geometry, (b) English II or English III, and (c) Biology or U.S. History. Students entering high school in 2017–2018 or thereafter must pass one assessment in each of the following categories to meet the assessment requirement toward earning a standard high school diploma: (b) English I or English II, and

39 High School Assessments
The only students who are eligible to take the 4-level Biology EOC are students who are graduating in 2018–2019 and retesters who are not repeating the course. EOC tests taken for courses earned prior to 2018–2019 will be accepted. “Pass” means a student scores Fair or above on an EOC test or Approaching Basic on a LEAP 2025 test. Each year the school system must provide 30 hours of remediation in the course content for each EOC or LEAP 2025 test a student does not pass. The High School Assessment Frequently Asked Questions document is located in the Assessment Library.

40 2018-2019 High School Assessments
Assessment Type Subject Number of Achievement Levels Reported End of Course Assessments EOC English III 4 Achievement Levels EOC Biology (4-level Biology EOC is only available to students who are graduating in 2019 or are retesting and are not repeating the course.) LEAP 2025 High School Assessments English I 5 Achievement Levels LEAP 2025 Biology must be taken by students who are not graduating in 2019 and 1) are taking the course for the first time or 2) are enrolled in the course and have not passed the assessments in a previous administration. English II Algebra I Geometry US History Biology

41 Enrollment Window From October 1 - October 31, each school system is required to enter enrollments for each school for paper or online testing in grades 3-4 into the eDIRECT Enrollment System. School systems will also verify enrollment numbers. To enter enrollments in eDIRECT: Select All Applications and then select Materials. Select Enrollments within Materials. Under the Administration drop‐down box, select the appropriate Administration. Under School, select the school for which enrollments will be entered. Click Show Enrollments.

42 Enrollment Window Confirm all schools’ testing mode for grades 3 and 4.

43 2018-2019 Enrollment Window Confirm or update counts in the grid.
Enrollment numbers are prepopulated with 2018 initial enrollments. Verify or update the 2018 counts with the enrollments for This will ensure that accurate materials quantities are available for your schools and included in your schools’ initial shipment. If a school no longer hosts a grade, zero out any numbers that appear. Note: It is important to include all students that require the consumable test booklet accommodated version, including English Learner and PNP students requiring test read aloud. Click Complete. Assessments listed here

44 Enrollment Window Select the Summary tab to view the information you have previously designated for your school. Click Print if you would like to print the screen you are currently viewing. Assessments listed here

45 Enrollment Window Select the Status tab to view the progress of your schools’ registration process. Click Export to Excel if you would like to view this information in Microsoft Excel.

46 Assessment Development Educator Review Committees
The Department is now recruiting for ELA Item Content and Bias Review Committees. Committees convent in September for grades 3 and 4 and October for grades 5-10 Selected participants will review newly developed ELA test items. To apply to be a participant, any interested educator need to complete an interest survey themselves, and may complete surveys for more than one committee. Interest Survey Links: ELA grades 3 and 4 ELA grades 5-8, English I and English II or with questions.

47 Personal Needs Profile (PNP) Overview
The Personal Needs Profile (PNP) can be used for any student, not just students with disabilities, to individualize the testing experience and enhance access to all state assessments. For guidance on the appropriate use of accessibilty features, please refer to the LEAP 2025 Accommodations and Accessibility Manual located in the Assessment Library. The PNP is required documentation for the use of any accessibility feature (shown here) given to any student who has been pre-identified but does not have an IEP, IAP, or EL plan. The PNP must be: Created at least 30 days prior to the administration of the assessments by the school level committee Marked to indicate the accessibility features based on instructional observations and supports that have been found to increase access during instruction and assessments Reviewed annually and adjusted as needed Retained (copy of PNP) locally at either the school and/or district level Individual Testing Small Group Testing Math Read Aloud Read Aloud to Self Specialized Furniture or Equipment

48 3-8 LEAP 2025 Assessment Resources
ELA Math Science Social Studies Available Now ELA Guidebooks Assessment Guides Rubrics Practice Tests Louisiana Guides to Implementing Tier I Math Curriculum Equation Builder Guides Scope & Sequence LEAP 2025 Science Assessments Overview Assessment Guides with sample test items and sets Scope & Sequence and Companion Documents Sample item sets and task sets Coming Soon: 3-8 science practice tests teacher access in September and student access in January.

49 LEAP 2025 High School Assessment Resources
English I & II Algebra I & Geometry Biology U.S. History Available Now Assessment Guides Practice Tests Rubrics Equation Builder Guide Desmos links LEAP 2025 Science Assessments Overview Sample Test Item Set and Task Set US History Achievement Level Descriptors

50 State Placement Test

51 State Placement Test School systems are required to administer the state placement test, available August 6, for students seeking to transfer to a public school in grades 5 or 9 from any in-state nonpublic school, approved home study program, or out-of-state school. The computer-based test is designed to measure students’ knowledge and skills in ELA and math pursuant to Louisiana Student Standards in grades 4 and 8, and is consistent with the LEAP 2025 test. DTCs will be responsible for managing the state placement test administration in eDIRECT. All functionality of testing systems and test security will be the same as LEAP 2025 assessments. School systems must notify the Department at least 30 days in advance of any school system planned testing day to ensure scoring and reporting are completed within normal turn-around times. BESE will consider policy at their August meeting to align promotion/placement policies for transfer students (out-of-state, non-public, and approved home study) to that of non-transfer students. .

52 ACT and WorkKeys

53 ACT General Overview All 11th grade students and any 12th grade students with no ACT score on record must take the ACT test before graduation. • The ACT will be available in both paper and online formats to all districts. • LDOE provides districts with ACT Match and No Match lists in November and March to assist with identifying the students needing the ACT. • LDOE will pay for all 11th grade students and any 12th grader testing for the first time. • Accommodations must be approved by ACT in order to be college reportable. • Districts and schools will use the two ACT systems, PearsonAccessnextTM (PANext) and Test Accessibility and Accommodation (TAA), to prepare for test administration. – PANext is used to place additional orders and enroll students and can be accessed by both the DTC and STC. – TAA is used to apply for ACT approved accommodations and only accessible to STCs. The ACT State Testing website will have all information regarding testing, training, and access to PANext. The site is still being updated to reflect information for

54 What’s New for WorkKeys
There are a few changes for the WorkKeys assessment: ACT has discontinued the WorkKeys 1.0 assessment titles (Reading for Information, Locating Information, and Applied Mathematics) and are no longer available to anyone UEB Braille without Nemeth code will be available for Applied Math USB drives will replace DVDs for pre-recorded audio For districts and schools testing on realm(s) owned by the district (non-LDOE realms), ACT will share the results directly with the LDOE if the ACT (other realm) Addendum has been signed and submitted to the LDOE thereby reducing the burden of the LEA to provide information during 2019’s data certification process The ACT® Administration Manual for Accommodation and English Learner Supports is located on the ACT State Testing in the ACT WorkKeys Taken on Paper section under 5. WorkKeys Paper: Administration - Administer the Test Successfully.

55 WorkKeys Reminders The WorkKeys testing windows are below.
Online window: October 2, 2018 – April 12, 2019 Fall paper accommodated window: October 2 – 16, 2018 Spring paper accommodated window: March 13 – 27, 2019 Bulletin 118 was updated in March 2018, and the administration of WorkKeys must adhere to the new policy: Students shall be subject to a 30-day wait period before retesting on WorkKeys assessments, during which time LEAs shall provide remediation. District must provide student results for all WorkKeys tests taken by every student every year, as outlined by DOE, to ensure all results are considered.

56 WorkKeys Reminders The Fall WorkKeys Schedule of Events is available on the ACT State Testing website under the “ACT Taken on Paper” Louisiana heading. These documents contain important dates and information needed for WorkKey administration. The only time PearsonAccessnextTM is used for WorkKeys is to order accommodated test materials for both the fall and spring WorkKeys accommodated testing windows Aug : Manage participation, shipping dates, and place orders for WorkKeys initial accommodated materials in PearsonAccessnextTM WorkKeys Accommodated (paper) Tests are only for students with an IEP, IAP, or an EL plan. Giving accommodated test materials to students without accommodations is a testing violation. The ACT®WorkKeys® Administration Manual for State Tests pages 3-8 give detailed information on assigning accommodations for WorkKeys. For districts or schools that administer the WorkKeys assessment on non-LDOE realms, there is a new ACT (other realm) Addendum that can be signed and returned to which allows ACT to share the WorkKeys data from non-LDOE realms directly with the LDOE.

57 WorkKeys: Fall Administration Paper Accommodated Testing
August 6-24: Window to manage participation and edit enrollment counts If a school is not administering accommodated WorkKeys paper test, a reason for non-participation must be given. If the reason is listed in the dropdown menu, select and click save If the reason does not appear, select other then type the reason in the box below

58 WorkKeys: Fall Administration Paper Accommodated Testing
If schools are administering accommodated WorkKeys tests in the fall, the participation information must be completed for only the Paper Initial Accommodations Test Window section. The Paper Initial Standard Time Test Dates should be left blank or select Not Applicable from the dropdown menu as seen here.

59 WorkKeys: Fall Administration Paper Accommodated Testing
A Test Window Start Date must be chosen under Paper Initial Accommodations Test Window Start Date. If October 16, 2018 is selected, there will only be one week to test all students. Please select October 2, 2018 so the entire window will be available for testing.

60 WorkKeys: Fall Administration Paper Accommodated Testing
A shipping date must be selected in order to receive the test materials that meets your schedule. All materials are shipped to the DISTRICT secure shipping address on file at the LDOE and should be verified by the DTC in PANext. The earlier the materials are shipped, the more time is available for checking the content of the delivery and making sure all materials have been shipped. The materials will need to be stored in the secure area until distributed to each school.

61 WorkKeys: Fall Administration Paper Accommodated Testing
Edit Enrollment Counts tab: Until students are enrolled and actively attending school, this task can wait. The deadline is August 24. Only enter numbers under Accommodation and Support Formats. DVDs are no longer available. USBs will be sent in place of DVDs. Type in the number needed by each format. If the format is not needed, leave it blank.

62 ACT Online In , ACT will be available in both the paper and online format. Online testing window: March 12-14, 19-21 Districts and schools may chose to test all, some, or no students online. Online testing requires technical checks to ensure that the ACT tests are compatible and security measures can be met. DTCs and district technical support personnel will work together to run all required diagnostics in the fall to determine if online testing is an option. Please refer to the The Technical Requirements for the ACT Test Online to determine if the ACT can be administered online. Accommodated tests will still be administered on paper only. However, if the only accommodation needed is extended time, the online test may be administered. Accommodations must be entered in the TAA system at the school level. Only school level personnel has access to TAA.

63 ACT and WorkKeys Resources
The ACT website has resources to help educators and administrators learn more about ACT score reports, including webinars, tutorials, and workshops. The Fall WorkKeys Schedule of Events is available on the ACT State Testing website under the ACT Taken on Paper-Louisiana heading. These documents contain important dates and information needed for WorkKey administration. The ACT WorkKeys Score Reports Available in Online Reports Portal document tells you what score reports are available in the portal. The ACT State Testing site has information about score reports, including how to understand and use the test results, under Interpretation in the ACT and ACT WorkKeys sections. Customer Support: It is important to state “Louisiana State Testing”, and use code 19. ACT Standard Time Testing x ACT Accommodations x 1788 WorkKeys WorkKey ( )

64 LEAP Connect/LAA 1

65 LEAP Connect Resources
LEAP Connect Assessment Guide: a guide for teachers to understand the test design, levels of complexity, structure, and sample items Online Tools Training: provides students and teachers opportunities to become familiar with the tools available in the online testing platform; available in INSIGHT or here using the Chrome browser; Parent Guide to LEAP Connect: a guide for parents to understand the LEAP Connect assessment. ELA Guidebooks 2.0 Diverse Learner Guide: Contains information about using the ELA Guidebooks with diverse learners. The Louisiana Connectors for Students with Significant Disabilities, which are aligned with Louisiana Student Standards, presents the Louisiana Connectors and represent the most salient grade-level, core academic content in English language arts and mathematics. Essential Elements Cards, which are a primer for differentiating instruction for students with significant disabilities, break down the instructional task into knowledge and skills, suggested instructional strategies, and possible supports and scaffolds for student learning. Case Studies provide models for how teachers and specialists may best modify objectives, assessments, activities, and materials for students with significant cognitive disabilities based on LDOE’s available resources. Parent Guide to LEAP Connect Score Reports: a guide for parents to understand the LEAP Connect student reports Also available in Arabic, Spanish, and Vietnamese. address for content and resources related the LA Connectors.

67 ELPS Key Dates Key Dates
AIR Secure Browser install (current version supported until January 2019) Available Now ELPS training modules ELPS administration manuals posted TIDE opens for user and student management ELPS opens for district use Additional Materials ordering (Braille, large print) Available Now (orders placed through ORS closed for initial ELPS score processing First few weeks of August

68 ELPS Overview The ELPS is a tool for determining if students entering Kindergarten through grade 12 are English Learners (ELs) who require language support services to continue developing proficiency in English. Students who do not score proficient on the ELPS will be identified as an EL and can receive an EL Accommodations Form. The ELPS is designed to assess a student’s English proficiency in the four language domains: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. The school year will be a transitional year. Beginning on August 1, 2018, the ELPS will be available for district use. The ELPS will be free of charge for districts.

69 Screener Setup The ELPS is a computer-based assessment that will be taken in the AIR Portal, the same testing system used for the English Learner Proficiency Test (ELPT). Prior to testing, the AIR Secure Browser must be installed on computers. Reference the Secure Browser Installation Manual for detailed directions. Test administrators, students, and accommodations are managed in the TIDE Portal. See the TIDE User Guide for detailed directions on test setup requirements. Both District and School Test Coordinators have permission to add students into TIDE. Students must have a LASID in order to be entered into TIDE and take ELPS. Students taking the ELPS will need headsets with microphones for interacting with the online platform. The headsets are the same ones required for taking the ELPT. Specifications for headsets are located on pages 5-6 of the Technology Requirements document in the Assessment Library. *Enable pop-up windows and microphone settings on all ELPS computers prior to screening.

70 ELPS Administration Systems Overview
All ELPS systems can be accessed in the ELPT Portal under ELPS. TIDE Stores student demographic information and test settings Used to manage user accounts for all systems Test Delivery System (TDS) Used by TAs to administer tests and monitor students (Test Administrator Interface) Used by students to take ELPS (AIR Secure Browser) ORS Used to view and download student assessment reports Data Entry Interface (DEI) Used by TAs to enter responses for students using accommodated forms of ELPS.

71 ELPS Administration Documents
All ELPS administration documents can be found in the ELPT Portal under ELPS. TIDE User Guide Provides directions for registering students for assessments, establishing test settings and accommodations, associating students with districts, schools, and rosters, and creating and approving testing appeals TA User Guide Directions to help users navigate the Test Delivery System (TDS) including the Student Interface and the Test Administrator Interface, and help support Test Administrators manage and administer ELPS. ELPS TAM Provides specific instructions for the administration of the ELPS. Details include information on test security, logistical requirements, and the Test Administrator directions to students.

72 ELPS Administration Documents
All ELPS administration documents can be found in the ELPT Portal under ELPS. ELPS Step Two Speaking Scoring Document Used to assist school and school system personnel with the immediate (“on the fly”) scoring of the first operational Speaking task Online Reporting System (ORS) Manual Provides information on how to use the Online Reporting System (ORS) to view student performance and participation data. Accessibility and Accommodations Manual Used to guide the selection and administration of appropriate universal features, designated features, and accommodations for individual students to produce valid assessment results Data Entry Interface (DEI) Manual Provides specific instructions for using the DEI which allows authorized users to enter student assessment data, such as item responses and scores. Entering student data is required for the ELPS Braille forms

73 ELPS Technology Documents
All ELPS technology manuals can be found in the ELPT Portal under Technology Coordinators. Secure Browser Installation Manual Provides instructions for installing the secure browsers on computers and devices used for online assessments System Requirements for Online Testing Used to verify that all devices to be used for testing meet the minimum technology specifications Technical Specifications Manual for Online Testing Used to verify that your school’s network and Internet are properly configured for testing.

74 Overview of the ORS After the first few weeks of August, ELPS reports will generate in the ORS within hours for students who stop screening after Step 2 and within 3-7 days for students who continue to Step 3. ORS contains two major features: Score Reports and Reports & Files Score Reports: Provides score data for each Louisiana ELPT test. You can compare score data between individual students and the school, district, or overall state average scores. ORS also provides information about performance on domains when applicable. Retrieve Student Results: Provides summary statistics (count and percentages) of students who tested in a selected subject and grade level. Enables you to download student data files containing test scores and demographic information.

75 ORS: Score Reports Score Reports links to the Home Page Dashboard page which displays the overall summary of score data and testing progress for your state, district, or school, and is the starting point for data analysis. Clicking on a grade level data point under Number of Students or Percent Determined Proficient will narrow results

76 ORS: Score Reports The Exploration Menu lets you navigate to different types of score reports by grade. Reports can be navigated by making different selections from the Who and What drop-down lists By selecting Roster or Student in the Who menu, a single PDF can be generated with all ISRs for the group

77 ORS: Reports and Files Retrieve Student Results allows a user to download student data for a selected administration by district, school, teacher, or roster. The data includes students’ personal information, including enrolled school and district, grade level, and the selected test scores and domain scores (if applicable) You can also generate PDFs of Individual Student Reports in a Zip file or in a single PDF with all scores for the selected group

78 ELPS Proficiency Levels
Descriptor EL? Emerging Students are Emerging when they have not yet reached a level of English language skill to produce, interpret, and collaborate on grade-level content-related academic tasks in English. Yes Progressing Students are Progressing when, with support, they are approaching a level of English language skill necessary to produce, interpret, and collaborate on grade-level academic tasks in English. Proficient Students are Proficient when they demonstrate a level of English language skill necessary to independently produce, interpret, collaborate on and succeed in grade-level academic tasks in English. No Proficiency Not Demonstrated Students receive a status of Proficiency Not Demonstrated when screening is stopped in Step One due to the student not participating.

79 Technical Assistance Protocol
If technical problems occur during testing, school and district staff should follow the ELPT Technical Assistance Protocol presented below. Technical problems include, but are not limited to, problems connecting to INSIGHT, the inability to load test items, or missing buttons. AIR Contact Info 7:00 AM – 7:00 PM Chat: LDOE

80 ELPS Resources ELPS Test Administrator Overview and Training Webinar: provides an overview of the test design and administration procedures ELPS Administration Modules: provide detailed directions for key administration procedures ELPS Summit Presentation: provides an overview of the EL screener administration ELPS Guidance: provides an overview of the EL screener LA EL Portal: how to access all EL assessments (including ELPS), reports and manuals LDOE English Learner Library: link to the LDOE’s English Learner web page to access materials and forms to support ELs English Learner Guidebook: provides guidance to school systems and school-site leaders in implementing high- quality instruction for ELs LA Connectors for ELs: a list of the English Learner Connectors for use collaboratively with EL and content teachers EL Accommodation Form: the form used to document an EL’s classroom and assessment accommodations. Also available in Arabic, Spanish, and Vietnamese

82 ELPT Key Dates Key Dates ELPT OTT Available Now
Updated AIR Secure Browser install Available in September TIDE opens for ELPT user and student management October 29 Training modules available in the ELPT Portal December 1 Paper-based materials arrive in districts January 16 Additional materials ordering window January 17 - March 8 ELPT administration window February 4 - March 15 Final day for materials return March 22

83 ELPT Resources ELPT Assessment Guide: a guide for teachers to understand the test design, structure, and sample items LA EL Portal: how to access all EL assessments (including ELPS), reports and manuals LDOE English Learner Library: link to the LDOE’s English Learner web page to access materials and forms to support ELs English Learner Guidebook: provides guidance to school systems and school-site leaders in implementing high-quality instruction for ELs LA Connectors for ELs: a list of the English Learner Connectors for use collaboratively with EL and content teachers EL Accommodation Form: the form used to document an EL’s classroom and assessment accommodations. Also available in Arabic, Spanish, and Vietnamese

85 LEAP A District’s Guide to LEAP 360 has been updated to include links to eDIRECT and LEAP 360 mini-trainings. Recorded webinars, presentations, and one-pagers are available for each topic The purpose of these mini-trainings is to review key eDIRECT and LEAP 360 functions.

86 eDIRECT/LEAP 360 Mini Trainings
Title Resources Audience Accessing the eDIRECT Dashboard Presentation/Webinar District, School, Teacher Managing Users District, School Managing Test Administrators Managing Students/Accommodations Managing Student Groups Coming Soon Managing Test Sessions Printing Test Tickets/Viewing Test Status Unlocking Test Tickets

87 eDIRECT/LEAP 360 Mini Trainings
Title Resources Audience Navigating Student Response Lookup Coming Soon District, School, Teacher Completing Educator Scoring Presentation/Webinar Accessing Reports EAGLE 2.0: Accessing EAGLE EAGLE 2.0: Creating a Test EAGLE 2.0: Test Session/Test Status/Tickets EAGLE 2.0: Completing Educator Scoring EAGLE 2.0: Viewing Reports K-2 Formative Tasks: Accessing K-2 Formative Tasks

88 Diagnostic Quick Start Guide 2018-2019
The Diagnostic Quick Start Guide is updated for the school year. Using Google Chrome, teachers may use the LEAP 360 Teacher Access link.

89 Diagnostic Report Schedule
For the year, all LEAP 360 reports will refresh nightly once posted. For items that are educator scored, all reports will include scored content within 24 hours. Report Type Report Posted Dates Student Response Map, Test Session Response Map, Data FIle Initial Post: August 2, 2018 Additional Posts: Within 24 hours of test completion or scoring Student Summary Report Additional Posts: Within 24 hours of scoring Test Session Summary Report, Test Session Roster Report Initial Post: August 29, 2018 School Summary Report Additional Posts: Within 24 hours of test scoring School List Report, School System List Report Initial Post: October 1, 2018

90 Interim Report Schedule
For the year, all LEAP 360 reports will refresh within 24 hours once posted. For items that are educator scored, all reports will include scored content within 24 hours. Report Type Report Posted Dates Student Response Map, Test Session Response Map, District Data File Tentative Initial Post: October 23, 2018 Additional Posts: Within 24 hours of test completion or scoring Student Summary Report Additional Posts: Within 24 hours of test scoring Test Session Summary Report, School Summary Report, School List Report, School System List Report Initial Post: TBD Test Session Roster Report

91 LEAP 360 Resources The following resources are available to help teachers understand, access, and use the the LEAP 360 assessment tools: LEAP 360 webpage Diagnostic Quick Start Guide A Teacher’s Guide to LEAP 360 A District’s Guide to LEAP 360 Parent Guide to LEAP 360 Teacher Study Guides (available in eDIRECT) Webinars and Mini-trainings available in A District’s Guide to LEAP 360

92 LEAP 360 Teacher Webinars To kick-off the second year of LEAP 360, two webinars are being offered for teachers. The webinars will focus on LEAP 360 enhancements and updates for The webinars will be held Monday, August 13 and Wednesday, August 15 from 3:30-4:30 PM. Webinar Information: Link: Phone: Meeting ID:

94 Accommodations Spanish, Arabic, and Vietnamese versions of the English Learner Checklist have been posted to the Assessment Library.

95 IEP Reminder Starting August 2, 2018, SER will have an “Evaluation Results” feature. This will be added to the evaluation screen in SER. This will capture cognitive and adaptive assessment results from a student’s evaluation. For students with disabilities who will participate in the LEAP Connect alternate assessment in Spring 2019, the LEA MUST add cognitive and adaptive assessment data to the evaluation in SER before January 4, 2019. For all other students with disabilities who take LEAP 2025, the LEA must add this information during the student’s next evaluation. LEA’s will receive this information from LDOE through the IDEA Count Validation Reports (available via DM FTP in DATA VALIDATION folder).

96 New for Students with Calculator Accommodation
Students with the documented (IEP, IAP) accommodation for calculator use will now have access to the appropriate grade-level calculator in the online test platform in non-calculator sessions. It is still recommended that these students be provided with a handheld calculator as this is likely the calculator they are most familiar with.

97 Innovative Assessment Pilot
The Department’s proposal to pilot an innovative English assessment is the first to be approved by the U.S. Department of Education. Key features of Louisiana's innovative assessment pilot include: Combining English and social studies tests to streamline state testing; Measuring what students have learned via passages from books that students have read; Assessing students through several brief assessments throughout the year; and Preserving local control as to which books and which assessments their students will take. The five initial partner school systems include Ouachita Parish, St. John the Baptist Parish, and St. Tammany Parish, as well as KIPP Public Charter Schools and Collegiate Academies in Orleans Parish.

98 Assessment Calendar The Assessment Calendar has been updated to include: National and International assessments AP and CLEP dates WorkKeys window correction The Assessment Calendar is posted in the Assessment Library.

99 Data Sharing Agreements
Pursuant to R.S. 17:3914, school systems must have a contract or data sharing agreement in place with private vendors that deliver services in order to share personally identifiable student data. View updated MOUs and addenda HERE. To verify which agreements school systems have already opted into, please review the tracking chart HERE. The tracking chart is updated weekly as additional addenda are submitted to LDOE. Please with questions.

100 Data Systems: 2018-19 School Year
Forward to Sponsor Site Coordinators: The Sponsor Site System (SPS) is open for finalizing online updates to district and school information including Administrators Name, Website Links, Clubs/Sports, and Dropoff/Pickup times. Other requests for updates/changes to district and school information must be made via electronic forms that must be reviewed/approved by the Department. SPS data is used in the monthly refresh of School Finder (in the ABOUT OUR SCHOOL section) The deadline for certifying Sponsor and Site information is September 28. Please with questions.

101 Data Systems: 2018-19 School Year
Forward to Data Managers: Through Friday, September 28, school systems should continue uploading their initial student enrollment information to the Louisiana Secure ID System (eScholar). All students expected to be enrolled at the beginning of the school year should be submitted to eScholar for a Louisiana Secure ID (LASID) match. After this period, districts should only send records of active students that are either new to the district or have a change in information. eScholar training will be held at 1:00pm on Thursday, August 2 with a repeat session on Tuesday, August 21. Webinar Link: Phone: Meeting ID: with questions.

102 Data Systems: 2018-19 School Year
Forward to Data Managers: The Data Coordinator’s monthly webinar will be held on Thursday, August 9. This webinar will include a review of data collection timelines, system data reporting instructions, and other data related information. Webinar Link: Phone: Meeting ID: with questions.

103 Support and Communication

104 Back-to-School Support: Communication Structures
School System Planning Calls: Register HERE Fall 2018 Winter Spring 2019 September 12 October 3 November 7 December 5 January 9 February 6 March 13 April 3 May 8 June 5 Collaborations Dates Location Audience Fall Collaborations Sept 10, 13, 17, & 19 See School System Support Calendar for Details Supervisors and Teacher Leaders Winter Collaborations Nov 8, 13, 14 & 15 Supervisors and Principals Jan 28, 30 & 31, Feb 5 Supervisors Spring Collaborations March 11, 12 & 13 Teacher Leader Summit July (TBD) Supervisors, Principals, Teacher Leaders

105 Back-to-School Support:
September School System and Teacher Leader Collaborations The Department will kick off the school year by providing professional development for Teacher Leaders and school system supervisors in September. The trainings are designed to bring school system planning teams together regionally to share ideas and best practices. Date Location Monday, September 10 Claiborne Bldg., Baton Rouge, LA Thursday, September 13 Jefferson Parish School Board Office, Harvey, LA Monday, September 17 Wednesday, September 19 Trinity Methodist Church, Ruston, LA Supervisor Collaboration 8:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Teacher Leader Collaboration 12:00-4:00 p.m. Registration information will be available in forthcoming weekly newsletters. For more information or questions, please

106 DTC and Accountability Contact Update
If during the academic year the person appointed as district test coordinator changes, the district superintendent must notify the LDOE. The notification must be in writing and must be submitted within 15 days of the change in appointment. Due to the secure nature of the data accessed by accountability contacts and district test coordinators, changes have been made to the submission process for any updates to DTC and accountability contacts: Superintendent signature now required The DTC and Accountability Contact Update Form must be submitted from the superintendent’s district account. The revised DTC and Accountability Contact Update Form is located under the Resources + Forms section in the Assessment Library.

107 Assessments Customer Service
The Assessments Customer Service Contact Information has been posted to the Assessment Library. This provides all customer service contact information for all assessments.

108 District Support The Assessment team offers multiple avenues of support to districts, schools, and teachers seeking information or assistance about assessment administration and accountability. Weekly Newsletters Assessment and accountability information and deadlines are released each week in the district newsletter. Weekly Assessment & Accountability Calls Each Tuesday at 1:00 PM these webinars are held to provide training, updates, and important information to DTCs and Accountability Contacts. Assessment Library and Accountability Library The Assessment Library contains resources for DTCs including the Assessment Schedule and the Assessment and Accountability Month-by-Month Checklist. The Accountability Library contains resources for accountability contacts including the School Performance Score (SPS) calculators as well as information on data certification and federal accountability.

109 District Support Monthly Educational Technology Calls
Each month a webinar is held for district technology personnel to provide training, updates, and important information related to technology readiness and digital literacy. All stakeholders are encouraged to assessment and accountability questions and/or concerns to Assessment Hotline For immediate assistance regarding assessment and accountability, district-level staff may call the Assessment Hotline at All stakeholders are encouraged to technology readiness questions and/or concerns to

110 Assessment and Accountability Calls
The Assessment and Accountability Monthly Calls are now located in one reference document in the Assessment Library.

112 Next Steps Key Dates Action August
Administer KEA and K-3 Literacy assessments Administer Diagnostic assessments August 1 Begin administering ELPS to potential EL students August 14, 21, and 28 Office Hours at 1:00 PM August 21 eScholar training at 1:00PM August 31 Deadline to submit test security plans for review September 18 at 1:00 (public/charter DTCs) September 18 at 2:00 (nonpublic DTCs) Assessment and Accountability Monthly Call