Curriculum development template

Develop a measurable, outcome-based curriculum with confidence.

Start from this template

Courtesy of our friends at

The Curriculum Development Template is designed to make your curriculum development journey collaborative, iterative, and fun by allowing faculty and industry stakeholders to share their ideas and provide feedback throughout this process: Define, visualize, and map.


Start your journey by defining your program Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) and stating university Common Learning Outcomes (CLOs), which scaffolds course sequencing.


Then, work to create a visual representation of your four-year curriculum, including electives and concentration/specialization areas, so your team can see how your curriculum builds by semester and year.


Finally, spell out assessment criteria (i.e.,success measures) for each of your SLOs. Then, map all program courses too each SLO to see where an outcome is introduced and reinforced throughout your curriculum — providing the checks and balances needed to be confident that your curriculum aligns with your program and school’s mission, vision, and strategy.

The template also provides tips and trick on how to:

Watch a quick overview of the Curriculum Development Template

Check out a draft of MSOE UX program's curriculum that inspired this template.