Career Training and Development Survey Questions + Professional training sample template

Use this free career development survey template, and sample questionnaire to collect feedback from your employees about the training needs. Know more about their expectations to help them get ready for future roles and increase their productivity. These learning and development (L&D) feedback questions help collect data to enhance your training programs.

You can also customize this sample professional development questionnaire as per your needs. Collect data and analyze which skills your employees are most interested in.

Your career growth is really important to us, and this is why your input on what has worked really well when it comes to your learning and development here, as well as what we can do to make it better, is really important. Thank you for sharing your experience, it will be invaluable as we continue to shape the L&D programs that are the most meaningful to our employees in the future.

Please rate the following statements based on your experience in the company.

Very Dissatisfied Somewhat Dissatisfied Somewhat Satisfied Very Satisfied The quality of onboarding when joining the company The amount of time you spend with you direct manager on development The mentoring you are currently receiving Performance review process Visibility of other open positions inside the company Feedback from across the organization Access to senior management for career development conversations Quality of training programs Quantity or relevant training programs to your role Career advancement opportunities The three training areas most important to your development over the next two years would be: Computer software Presentation skills Foreign language Marketing skills Technical/professional Time management Negotiating skills Management development Leadership Team process Coaching skills

As we develop new training programs, which of the following areas would be most important to you for us to create?

Not at all important Slightly important Moderately important Very important Extremely important Sales strategy Software development Presentation skills Foreign language Marketing skills Time management Negotiating skills Emotional intelligence Leadership development Coaching skills

Based on your experience with career growth, how likely are you to recommend someone you respect to work at our company? 0 Very Unlikely to 10 Very Likely

Very Unlikely Very Likely

Top 3 reasons to use the training and development survey template

Let us look at how this survey template can help your organization

1) Identify training areas

The career training and development survey template will help in identifying new or missing training areas for employees and design training programs accordingly.

2) Track your training efforts

You might be conducting various types of training across your organization. Without taking inputs from your employees, you may not know how well you are doing, do employees love it, etc.

3) Check for gaps

With this template, you can identify gaps in your training initiatives and plug them right away. Ths will help in making future training and development sessions a bigger success.

Top 4 benefits of conducting training and development surveys

Training and development are essential for all employees to grow professionally. Besides that, there are several advantages that these surveys offer. Let us look at some key benefits of conducting training and development surveys.

1) Train future leaders

All employees need to be ready for succession planning with the requisite skills and knowledge. They need to ready to step into new roles and responsibilities. Online learning and development (L&D)surveys will help you understand which aspects to cover in training programs.

2) Understand training needs

Conducting learning and development surveys will help identify which areas need training and also employee expectations. This helps in designing a curriculum that will bear maximum results and helps all trainees.

3) Empower your employees

Employees need to upskill and reskill to do their jobs efficiently consistently. Ask them their training needs and wants and arrange L&D plans to accommodate these.

4) Increase staff engagement

L&D programs help employees gain skills to do their work efficiently and effectively. Employers that provide training and learning opportunities are trusted by employees and stay with organizations longer. It also boosts overall employee engagement.